Uniting with this Church

As the teachings and practice of Christianity and Christian Science become more relevant in our own lives, it's natural to want to give back and to share such blessings with others, while at the same time continue to increase our own spiritual growth, understanding, and commitment. Uniting with this branch church is one way to accomplish this.
We warmly invite you to consider membership in this church.


It is affiliated with The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, known as The Mother Church. As a branch of this church, we are organized in accordance with the Manual of The Mother Church, by Mary Baker Eddy.
The Manual governs the organization and moral structure of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and its branches.
CHURCH PURPOSETo share with our community the healing message of Christian Science and its Pastor, The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
CHURCH MISSIONTo practice and support Christian healing, spiritual discovery, and “unselfed” love.
THE AGREEMENT OF CHURCH MEMBERSAs members, we live in Christian fellowship with our community. We recognize that each individual is working out his or her own salvation and that personal issues are between that individual and God alone. The following commitments express the working relationship members have with each other, the community, and Christian Science.
  • The Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the Golden Rule, and the teachings and life of Christ Jesus as the standard of Christian conduct.
  • Gratefully acknowledging Mary Baker Eddy as the Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of Christian Science.
  • Increasing our understanding of the teachings of Christian Science as found in our Pastor, the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, together with her other writings.
  • The Tenets of Christian Science (pgs. 496:28-497:27) and The Scientific Statement of Being (pg. 468:8) as found in the textbook Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
  • The conscientious application of Christian Science as a way of life and to meet human needs, including the need for physical healing.
  • The branch church's Purpose, Mission, and By-Laws.
  • Sharing with our community the spirit and love of Christianity.
  • Prayerfully supporting the church services and activities, and participating in them to the best of our abilities.
  • Financially supporting this church as lovingly as possible.

NEXT STEPS To further consider and discuss membership as well as receive a copy of our By-Laws for your review, you are invited to fill out the Membership Interest Card found on this page and bring it to the Clerk's office. Shortly thereafter, you will be invited to attend an informational meeting with the Membership Committee to discuss the commitments. They can answer any questions you may have relative to church membership. This meeting provides an opportunity for you to feel confident that you wish to assume the privilege and responsibility of branch church membership.
At the conclusion of this meeting, you may take an Agreement of Membership with you. With prayerful consideration of the ideas exchanged in the meeting, signing your name to the Agreement of Membership will confirm your acceptance of the common commitments we share as church members.
After your signed agreement is received, the Membership Committee will contact you within two weeks. Upon acceptance to membership, you will be invited to sign the Church Register of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Haddonfield, NJ, and welcomed as a new member.
Membership Interest Card